Event Details
Happening Now
In order to help us better serve our communities as efficiently as possible please take this brief survey:
Household Hazardous Waste Survey
Event attendees will also be able to scan a QR code the day of this event to access this survey.
Happening Now
HHW Survey
The March meeting is canceled. The next meeting will take place April 23, 2024.
The May meeting is canceled.
The July meeting is canceled.
The September meeting is canceled.
The December meeting is canceled.
The December meeting has been canceled.
March meeting canceled.
May meeting canceled.
July meeting canceled.
September meeting canceled.
December meeting canceled.
Meetings after April 26th, 2022 were canceled until October 11, 2022.
The dates for the meetings of the Authority are as follows:
THE ESSEX COUNTY UTILITIES AUTHORITY MEETING SCHEDULE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE NEW JERSEY OPEN PUBLIC MEETINGS ACT, N.J.SA. 10:4-1 et. seq., PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Essex County Utilities Authority (the “Authority”) has established its meeting schedule for the year of 2025 (through its 2026 Reorganization Meeting). All meetings are scheduled to be held at 2:00 pm at the Authority’s offices, The Leroy F. Smith , Jr. , Public Safety Building, 60 Nelson Place, 6th Floor, Newark, NJ, on the dates set forth above. In accordance with the “Open Public Meetings Act” NJSA 10:4-6 and N.J.S.A 10:4-8(b), the Essex County Utilities Authority until further notice will be conducting its monthly meetings via telephonic conference call in connections. If any members of the public would like to join the monthly meeting, please call the ECUA Office to get the number (Telephone number 973-792-9060) at least 24 hours before the commencement of the scheduled meeting. If any member of the public would like to make any public comment via email please send it to lcaruso@essexutil.com at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the scheduled meeting. Your comment will be read into the record during the public comment portion of the meeting.
In accordance with the “Open Public Meetings Law,” N.J.S.A 10:4-6 et seq., the Essex County Solid Waste Advisory Council (SWAC) will hold regular meetings, open to the public, at 1:00 p.m. on the specific dates as follows for the year 2025:
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 – Garibaldi Hall
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 – Garibaldi Hall
Tuesday, May 27, 2025 – Garibaldi Hall
Tuesday, July 22, 2025 – The Main Center – Glass Room
Tuesday, September 30, 2025 – Garibaldi Hall
Tuesday, November 25, 2025 – Garibaldi Hall
All meetings will be at 1:00 PM in the Essex County Environmental Center at Garibaldi Hall, 621 Eagle Rock Avenue, Roseland, NJ, unless otherwise indicated.
Bring to Essex County Household Hazardous Waste Events
Bring small camping size up to 20 lb. barbeque size propane cylinders and tanks to Essex County Household Hazardous Waste Events
You may also recycle propane tanks by writing “RECYCLE” on the tank and taking it to any Blue Rhino location. Standard sized (20lbs.) propane tanks of any brand are accepted at Blue Rhino locations and there is no charge to participate in their program.
Please contact the tank manufacturer of this product for proper guidelines.
Contact supplier listed on the tank for proper handling and disposal procedures. Some suppliers retain ownership of the tanks and may rent them to home users. Some suppliers will come pick them up or you may be able to deliver them to a nearby location.
Below are companies in the Essex County area, which may take oxygen cylinders/tanks. Most will take only cylinders/tanks with their label on it. (as of Mar 2021)
AWISCO, West Orange, NJ 973-736-020
Accepts oxygen tanks from residents at no charge.
Praxair Welding Gas and Supply Store, Newark, NJ 973-589-7895
Accepts only oxygen tanks labeled Praxair or Linde.
Lindcare, Livingston, NJ 973-808-9515
Accepts/picks up only the Linde oxygen tanks that they provided to the user.
Airgas, Linden, NJ 908-486-8230
Airgas, Paterson, NJ 973-742-221
Accepts only oxygen tanks with Airgas label.
Apria Health Care Roselle, NJ 908-793-0034
Accepts/picks up only tanks labeled Apria supplied by them.
Pesticides and Herbicides
Darkroom/Photographic chemicals
Driveway sealer
Aerosol spray paints
Nicad/Rechargeable Batteries
Automotive fluids (antifreeze, motor oil, steering fluids, etc.)
Household cleaning fluids
Car batteries
Fire extinguishers (home)
Pool chemicals
Mercury and products containing mercury
Oil based paints and stains
Chemistry sets
Propane tanks (barbecue type)
Fluorescent light bulbs and ballasts
Latex paint
Regulated Medical Waste or Infectious Waste
Explosives, Munitions, Ordnance or Reactive Materials
Unlabeled or Unidentified Materials
Commercial or Industrial Waste
Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms*
*These products should be returned to their manufacturer.
Empty Containers
Household batteries( AA, AAA, C, D, 9V)
Not For Commercial and Industrial Facilities.
Plastic #1 refers to polyethylene terephthalate. Common uses include water and soft drink bottles, food jars and containers, and salad dressing bottles.
Plastic #2 refers to high density polyethylene. Common uses include bottles for household cleaners and milk jugs.
Refrigerators, ranges, water heaters, freezers, and other similar domestic appliances.
Ferrous metals contain iron, while non-ferrous metals do not. Ferrous metals are also magnetic.
Telecom Equipment
Fax Machines
Main Frames
DVD Players
Old Cellular Telephones
Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms*
*These products should be returned to their manufacturer.
Commercial and Large Quantity Users May Not Drop Off Items.