Cherry Blossoms at Branch Brook Park, Essex County (Steven Maginnis)
Cherry Blossoms at Branch Brook Park, Essex County (Steven Maginnis)
All ECUA meetings are held at 2:00pm
at the ECUA offices at
The Leroy F. Smith, Jr. Public Safety Building
60 Nelson Place, 6th Floor
Newark, NJ
The ECUA has been charged with a broad range of important duties, including:
The Solid Waste Management Plan(SWMP) is the guiding document for Essex County. It is based upon the rules and regulations set forth in New Jersey’s Statewide Solid Waste Management Plan. Essex County’s SWMP is updated regularly to reflect changes in the County’s solid waste and recycling programs. The ECUA also processes applications for solid waste and recycling facilities for plan inclusion. No solid waste or recycling facility may operate without the ECUA’s approval.
More Solid Waste Resources
The ECUA manages all municipal solid waste generated within Essex County. In 2020, the ECUA ensured that more than 533,856 tons of solid waste was disposed of in an environmentally safe manner. Further, through the efforts of our partner municipalities, an additional 752,613 tons of recyclable material was collected and marketed as of the last state report.
More Solid Waste Information
It is the goal of the ECUA to recycle as much as possible and to reduce solid waste sent for disposal and to help each of our municipalities recycle at least 50% of their Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and 60% of their Total Solid Waste TSW) as mandated by State Law.
The ECUA has implemented Recycle Coach, an online tool that allows municipalities to easily share recycling information and education with its residents to increase program participation.
More Recycling Information
The ECUA manages applications and payment for all solid waste and recycling haulers operating in Essex County. It also administers applications for facilities seeking to provide solid waste and recycling services to residents.
More Hauler Information
Over the past twenty years, we have diverted over 4,972,000 pounds of hazardous waste from landfills collected from more than 59,776 residents and recycled more than 4,394,000 pounds of electronics collected from over 36,817 residents.
More Household Hazardous Waste Information
Household Hazardous Waste Survey
More e-Waste Information